Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 2013 Sathsangh

It was heartening to see the large number of Parents, Children, Well wishers  and friends gather here and encourage the children.

The programme started with Mrs. Nalini Ramprasad, teaching two New Slokas to the members present. One was on Adi Sankara and the other on Lord Shiva. Members were distributed the xerox copies of the slokas with the expalnation for these slokas.

 Next the tiny tots of SMS Trust recited a Guru sloka followed by a Saraswathi Dwadasa Nama Stothra, with good clarity and diction.

After that the older children recited the Guruvashtakam and Sharada Stothram, in a very clear and bright manner, which was well appreciated by all.
                                                         The large gathering at the Sathsangh.
The music students of SMS Trust sang a few songs with great enthusiasm and good sense of rythm
Finally all the children together sang a Devotional song on Lord Krishna, and it really gave a wonderful cheer and happiness to all present. All the Participants were given a Music Cd each as an encouragement for their effort and presentation.
Finally Mrs. Nalini Ramprasad did the Aarthi to the, Lord and Prasadam was distributed to all present.

Children with good talent in music, slokas gita chanting or instruments are welcome to contact us, to participate in such Sathsangh programmes.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hari Om to All,

The Sathsangh for this month will be on the 23rd of February (Saturday) between 6.30 and 7.30 P.M.
The programme will be as follows:

All members and children assemble by 6 p.m.
1. Chanting of a New Sloka by all members and children.
2. Sloka Recitation by Children of SMS trust.
3. Songs sung by Music students of SMS Trust.
4.Aarthi to the Lord and Prasad distribution to all.
We request all members, friends and parents to come in large numbers and encourage our children 
We also request all members, and parents to come in the traditional saree (Ladies) and pyjama kurta or Dhothi and shirt(Gents) as we have to show an example to our children to follow us, in some of the values.